Sekali ahli Teratak 42 tersenyum setelah hampir 2 minggu terputus dengan dunia luar. Selama 2 minggu itu Aq update Bebelan Anak Tukang Jahit di CC dan office kerana tidak mahu terputus hubung dengan para pemblog dan para pembaca blog senyap. Dan akhir-akhir ini amat sibuk sehingga Aq hanya mampu menyimpan entries hanya didraf-drafsahaja. Dan secara rasminya Aq membebaskan draf-draf ini dengan pantas di entry ini di mana Aq sambungkan sahaja url linknya supaya para pemblog dan para pembaca blog senyap boleh melunsurinya dengan mudah;
Tag To Hip Your Technorati Ranking!
Uji Bakat Rentak Juara Johor 2008
Where Is Sharlinie Mohd Nashar?
Jamming With LTB
Gundah II
Tag To Hip Your Technorati Ranking!
Uji Bakat Rentak Juara Johor 2008
Where Is Sharlinie Mohd Nashar?
Jamming With LTB
Gundah II
Kerana sudah lama juga tidak melawat para pemblog sekalian, Aq telah terpengaruh dengan propaganda Sarmi mengenai ....Sedang Bosan.....;
People Definitely Like You |
You are very well liked, and many people admire you. You are friendly, well mannered, and fun to be around. Of course, you're not perfect... but that's okay. Your friends are usually willing to accept you for who you are! What People Don't Like About You: People don't like that you only tend to take complements. It makes you seem insecure... and unappreciative. What People Like About You: People like that you take responsibility for your actions and admit your mistakes. They appreciate your maturity. People like that you give them support and strength. Friends know that they can count on you to be there for them. People like that you can defend what you believe in calmly and rationally. You stand your ground and gain respect. |
3 ulasan:
hehehe...terpengaruh (munirah) la ni yg mulakan...haha...apesal yg 'people don't like' pasal ko 1 je aku sampai 3...tak aci betul...hoho...
hahhaha.. no komen.. aku satu jugak
to abeming
sebabnya aq sentiasa tidak menghampakan orang lain. rasanya. he he he puji diri sendiri pulak
to tz
he he he
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