

Typically, right-brained individuals like me are creative, imaginative, and particularly attuned to their surroundings, whether catching the nuances of music, discerning artistic elements, or noticing spatial relationships between different forms. This because researchers notice increased activity in the right hemisphere of the brain in individuals hooked up to monitors when they play music or ask them to complete a task involving spatial relationships. In addition to isolating the ways in which my brain processes information, my right brain also controls the left side of my body. If I are strongly right-brained, I will find that my natural tendency is to be left-handed. Though with some skills, I may find that me are right-handed if a right-handed person taught I how to complete a certain task.

Right-brained people tend to be seen as messier than others. It's not that I am necessarily disorganized, it's just that me are likely to have different systems of organization (by theme, by subject, by color) than straight alphabetization or rigidly ordered folders. I probably have a willingness to entertain experimental treatments and Eastern philosophies more so than others. This is in part because those philosophies mesh with the right brain's strength, taking things in as a whole instead of focusing on the daily minutia.

Though thinking logically might be something I have to do sometimes, I am also good at stream of consciousness thinking and making tangential jumps in logic or reasoning. I more intuitive than many. And when it comes to pleasure reading, I might have a stronger preference for creative or fiction writing than nonfiction.

For the most part, I think more in terms of symbolism and abstraction instead of things that are more practical and straightforward. I also likely to look at the whole of a situation instead of seeing it as a series of component parts. I probably tend to be more subjective than objective, allowing for context to color how I interpret a given situation. For me, there are likely very few definites in life, other than the fact that there is almost always more than one way to accomplish and think about things.

That's how my brain processes information. And while my dominant brain hemisphere certainly contributes to the way I process information, there is also a style of learning, unrelated to my dominant hemisphere, that determines the ways in which I best able to pick up information. When I learning something new, my dominant brain hemisphere will want to take over. But there are times when the information being presented is not well suited to my dominant hemisphere's abilities.

That's why, in addition to my hemispheric dominance, I also have a style of learning that is dominant for me. Whether I know it or not, I are naturally predisposed to learning things visually, aurally, or through a combination of the two.
Tested by Tickle.
p/s: akibat bosan di office sampai tertidur satu jam.

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