Sekitar D40 / 40X Photography Workshop, Puteri Pacific, jam 9.00 am hingga jam 6.00. Seminar ini di sampaikan oleh Nikonian Pros, Mr. Adrew, Mr. Sean and Old Timer Mr. Haidar. Kira semua in pros dalam industri dan teknik mengambil foto portrait. Dan di seminar ini, Aq dapat bertukar buah fikiran dengan JB Nikonian yang lain. Dan banyak benda baru dan teknik baru yang Aq belajar. Thanks to Pros.
Teknik memblurkan gambar. Big smile :D
Thanks to The Pros. Mr. Adrew, Old Timer Mr. Haidar and Mr. Sean.
6 ulasan:
walamak...kagum...nanti aku letak kat sekaki...heheh
heheh..good job dude!
xlama jd pro la.. =D
later aku komen2 lg..
I like the "potrait shoot" the most - good framing and exposure. For "Black & White blind shoot" it is slightly out of focus and u have to use smaller aperture for the pics just below the "Black & White blind shoot".
Just a comment from a beginner in DSLR world.
I am a member of
---> photoschool and fotopages Malaysia
to abeming
thanks. memang seorang medorator yang baik hati
to edriaty
thanks. will be to pro
to fa
he he he
to mhelmi
thanks. lepas ini boleh tukar-tukar idea. selalu update lah blog.
power r ko....
keep moving foward...
mr lewis robinson
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